Our goal is to lead you to the right drone for the right situation. Count on us as we continuously scour through the internet for the best drones in the market. We base our reviews and lists according to positive reviews given by critics and seasoned users alike.
You and us share the same passion: to enjoy our time with amazing UAVs. Flying a drone always has this exhilarating feeling that no other hobbies can surpass; it is that level of soaring high (literally) and explore our world in a different perspective. Our dreams of flying through the skies without ever riding an airplane have become a reality thanks to drones. So for that, we dedicate ourselves into discovering the best drones that you can buy.
We provide information for both veterans and beginners. For the newcomers, we provide some detailed how-to guides to get you ready for that first flight experience. Check out tips and tricks that only our knowledgeable writers have discovered from pros and from first-hand experiences. For veterans, do refer to our buying catalog and discover new drones that may suit your interest. We even include summaries of drone laws from different countries including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany and the rest of Europe.
Here at LFW, we do not just provide info, we are here to have fun too. We will always let you know of the hottest UAVs and droning events happening across the world.
If you would like to contact us, message us through -our email-.
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